
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Jewelry Finds Its Way To Me - My Good Friend Is Moving

Since Covid happened, my bunko group that has been going non-stop for 20 years decided to take a break. 

I have really missed visiting and keeping up with my friends. A few months back, I texted my longest standing friend in this town asking how she was doing. I didn't hear back from her until today. 

She sold her home and is moving and I am really sad about that, but also very excited for her. She asked me if I would like some jewelry that her girls didn't want and she didn't want to give to "good will," so she asked if I could come over and see if I wanted it. I got 1 pair of gold earrings, several silver earrings and necklaces and some costume jewelry I think some of my girls would like. She also gave me some things she didn't want to go to good will, but if I thought my girls would like them, she would give them to me. I understand how she feels in that it is easier to give things to someone who will use and enjoy them than to just give them to good will. My girls did like the wall hangings she gave me so I am excited to see them go to someone who would enjoy them.

She had a few bags of items she was going to take to good will, but I told her I would take them for her. She has cleaned out most of her house as she didn't think it would sell as quickly as it did, so she has taken lots of loads to good will herself, and she has a few more weeks before she has to be out. 

She doesn't have a place to move so everything is going to have to go into storage until she can find a place. This has happened to several of my friends. Their homes sell really fast before they realize that they can't purchase an equivalent home in a bigger city so they are stuck. 

She wants to live closer to her daughters. Her husband passed away a few years back. He was one of my favorite people. He was so kind and down to earth. I really am sad to see her leave. It is really sad to see all my friends moving. So many have moved or passed away in the past few years. 

I know that it will be a relief to her not to have to worry about a house as she is looking for a condo. She just retired as a nurse. I talked her into going to nursing school as I was an RN that had just moved to this small town and she moved here at the same time from the west coast and we bonded as our kids became friends as they were both new move-ins to the small school. I remember her asking me about nursing and she went to school, ended up teaching at the CNA school at a near by college, and then ended up working for public health and retired recently. 

I will miss her as she was one of the original women I started the bunko group with as I started it to bring women together. We still have over half of the original members of the group 20 years later. It has been a huge blessing in my life. Here is a link to a post talking about my bunko group.  

I uploaded another jewelry sorting video and thought this would be a good post to include it. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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