
Friday, March 5, 2021

Editing - Updating Youtube Videos

I have shared a bit in the past year how YouTube has changed their analytics so that I am not making as much as I used to on my videos. 

Since most of my videos were posted before the changes, they don't have the more competitive tags, or any tags at all on some of the oldest videos. 

I know I need to upgrade almost all my videos, but they have made it really hard to get into the top slots unless you are already at the top. There are only a few of my videos that get views regularly and some get "found" by the way someone may pose the question on the searches. 

The top ten videos that used to get 30,000 views a month, now get a few hundred. The top ten videos from two years ago don't even register and I am still, after a full year, down over $100 less a month on my almost 900 videos. 

I started recently taking the hour or two to update some of my videos. I just don't know that it is worth my time to upgrade all of them if they are 20 pages down in the searches due to how many videos there are of certain things. 

I have another problem in that if I am say 20 videos down in a search currently because the video has been on for years, if you change the description, tags, or titles too much, they will put you down at the bottom of the search again as a "new" video would be, so it can hurt me to actually change my video much. 

The problem with the above / new algorithm is, that they don't tell you when you are making changes as to if it will make a difference, so you are updating each video at a risk to yourself! Also, they take into account how many likes you have and how many subscribers you have. So, if your video has been up for years, you don't have the catchy titles on your thumbnails or icons, and you wouldn't have suggested that they "LIKE" or subscribe AND THEY HAVE TO HIT NOTIFICATIONS, even if they subscribe, they don't get notifications if you put up a new video, so what is the point of subscribing if you have to also click on "notification" to get alerted to a new post. It seems redundant, but it is how it is now.

Also, I had all my videos posted with in video ads which back in the day was a short 10 to 15 second ad. NOW, you are forced to watch a 5 minute video or hit "skip" after 10 seconds every 3 minutes of viewing, so people are annoyed by the long advertising and leave your video! 

I have spent a week or two updating about 8 videos with new thumbnails with words and graphics, putting new tags, filling up the titles, description boxes, and tag boxes as well as putting cards that flash in the top corner of the video as well as end video suggestions and link or subscribe boxes at the end of the video. 

I have been checking every few days to see if upgrading is driving any more views my way, but as of now, I really can't tell that it has made any impact on my views. I will need a few more weeks to compare how it was before, and how it is now so I can clearly tell if it is worth my time to upgrade all of them. 

It really does take me an hour or two as I have to research the best tags to put that will be competitive and get me at the top of the searches rather than the bottom where I get no views. 

Wish me well! Have a blessed day!

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