
Monday, March 8, 2021

A Day in the Sun can be FUN

I had a few different posts I thought about writing today, but none of them are going to end up being my post. 

I woke with a headache still stemming from my neck and I could feel a pressure storm affecting my tooth / sinus. I had an elderly lady ask me if I could get a few things for her at church today, so I collected the items she needed and when I returned from church, I walked down to her house and I guess I woke her.

She got her second COVID shot a few days ago and she said she couldn't sleep last night so stayed in bed this morning. I gave her the items she asked me to get for her and we visited. 

It was so nice walking home that I thought I should take a nap in the sun. It was the perfect temperature. I thought the only place I have to lay down outside, it the trampoline. I thought it has been years since I slept on a trampoline, but I was tired and really was craving the sun. 

I grabbed a drink, and a pillow, and headed out to the trampoline where I listened to a YouTube video / podcast of the study program for my church called "Come Follow Me" where we study different scriptures each week. There is a couple who have a channel called, "Don't Miss This" where they discuss that weeks lesson and share fun bits of information or stories from their own lives. It is a great listen, and I enjoyed listening to that along side our local zoom Sunday School meeting. 

I usually am sitting at the table and participating during the lesson, but today, I enjoyed the sun while listening. 

After those two meetings were over, I fell asleep and ended up getting a bit of color on my face, but I realized tonight that I burned my eyes a bit. The face is pink, and my eyes are irritated. I don't think it was enough to burn anything seriously, just pink it up enough for me to notice.

I am getting spring fever after today! Have a Blessed day!

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