
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Annual Stocking Up On Products Made in China - Exactly A Year Later

I was looking in my cupboard for an item from the Dollar Store and realized I was out of the item. Last year I purchased a large supply of items that I worried may be difficult to get from China due to COVID. 

Today, I went to the dollar store to pick up more of the item I had run out of this week, and I while there, I wanted to stock up on some plastic baggies. I was a bit concerned when I saw that they didn't have one baggie in the store other than a few boxes of the sandwich bags that fold over. 

I realized that there is a second wave of the mutated COVID virus hitting Italy hard this week in the news and it is a year after this all started. Here is a link to that post.

It wasn't until I went to that store, that I realized it has been almost a year to the week that I bought all the items from China just in case we couldn't get them. 

I can't believe that it has been an entire year and that we are still dealing with it! I never thought in my life that I would see a year where the world would shut down. It is so crazy! 

When I saw that all the baggies were gone, I thought maybe I should do a bit of a bulk buy on other things made in China that may not be able to be purchased if things go off again. 

It all makes me wonder where the world will be in a year from now?

Have a blessed day.

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