
Monday, January 11, 2021

The Weirdness That is My Life - Stranger Phone Call & 111 Today

I was so tired last night that I went to bed early. I knew I hadn't blogged and figured I could wake early and write my post before 8 a.m. 

I didn't plan on waking in the night with a migraine. I got up and have been trying to deal with the headache since then, so this post will be late by a bit. 

Over the past few years, I have had a bunch of weird "promptings" or "feelings" to contact a guy I hardly know. I felt to first contact him in February 2017. I met him a few times at singles activities about 15 years ago. He spoke at a church meeting the first time I met him. He shared in his talk that he had suffered with parasites for over 20 years at that point and couldn't put weight on. At that time, I didn't have parasites, so that situation wasn't something that came into play. I never talked with him more than 5 minutes and maybe only two or three times.

When I had a feeling to contact him, I felt that I needed to share with him about the probiotic maker that I use to make homemade yogurt. I have posted about it and made videos about it over the years. Here is a link for that product called EZ Probiotic Maker. 

I found the man on facebook through mutual friends and contacted him that way. He ended up purchasing a maker and said it is has made him healthier in the fact that he can now eat a little bit of dairy and can keep weight on. 

I have contacted him once or twice since then to see if the yogurt maker was still helping in order to make another video or post. In all, our contact was limited to Facebook messages. 

In January 2019, I contacted him about something else I felt may help him and left it that he could call me if interested. I never thought of him again and forgot about it. 

Last week, I had the "thought" or "Feeling" to contact him and tell him about Kombucha as it has helped me so much. I sent him a message sharing the thoughts I had and he wrote back telling me that there was someone at his house that day who makes his own kombucha and he would look into it. 

He also said he would also like to talk about something I shared with him over 1 1/2 years ago, so we scheduled a call. 

I ended up talking to him for well over 3 hours about Tapping. It is by far one of the weirdest "promptings" or "feelings" I have ever had. I actually really enjoyed visiting with him. It was weird how many similarities we have in our lives down to our ages. 

I then realized when I woke up today what the date was today, and in getting photos for the blog, noticed that he replied to my messages at 11:11p.m. when he wrote me back last week. When I looked at my phone, it was the date and temperature and was 1-11 and 11 degrees. In fighting my headache, I turned on a show to distract me and when I signed into Netflix, the show that was frozen on my screen was episode 1 show 11 which was odd because I had seen that episode in full so don't know why it was stuck and had to refresh the page. 

Once again, the 111's keep adding up today. Not sure why so many are showing up today, but I also can't explain why over the years I have had thoughts to contact this man that I don't know. Either way, I promised God many years ago that I would follow through on those "thoughts, promptings, or feelings" since my friend Erik died. Here is a link to a post about that.  From that time on, I promised that I would follow those feelings even when it seems weird or uncomfortable. 

By following those feelings, I made a new friend and feel like we both benefited from the call. Also, I know it helped his health for the past few years. If my uncomfortable feeling for a few minutes contacting him ended up helping him in the end, it was well worth it! 

I hope I feel better and can be better at blogging as it has been a bit crazy recently. Have a Blessed Day!

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