
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Little Bit of Crazy Start This Year

I have been having a crazy start to this new year. I have had a few storm headaches and then not being able to sleep due to those, then sleeping during the day because I didn't get sleep at night. 

I am living alone now so it really doesn't matter when I sleep, but it isn't the ideal for me. I can't do much in the middle of the night in the garage, as well as it is really cold currently. With that, I have started going through cupboards again and totes finding things to sell locally to clean out the house.

I haven't been selling locally for about a month with being busy for the holidays, but surprisingly enough, I have been selling on eBay regularly. I thought it would slow down after the holidays but I sent out two things this week. 

I am getting ready to list some things locally and hope to clean out a few totes of things the girls brought home to swap and no one wanted. I wish I were in a spot that I didn't need the money and could just donated everything, but funds are still tight, so I am doing my best to make money selling stuff we are getting rid of anyway. 

I wish I were feeling better though, but it has been a rough start. My car need to go into the shop again and I still have an infection in my mouth for months now I can't seem to clear up. I think a root canal is rotting in my gums but need to decide how pulling that tooth out without insurance would affect my bite. 

Life keeps happening, but I am so blessed in so many ways that migraines and the like are so small compared to others. I am grateful I can take the time to rest when I am feeling this way. 

I also had two batches of Kombucha go bad this week. I haven't had that happen before. I think it may have been the old scoby going bad. I threw it all out and am hoping that the other two I have going are still good. I mixed all the batches one week and think I cross contaminated. I will be keeping them isolated from now on so that if one is bad, it doesn't affect the other batches. I am not really sure what the problem was, but pray that starting over, it won't happen again. 

I am wishing that next week things start looking up. I hope your new year is going well and that you have a blessed day!

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