
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Overwhelmed With Gratitude - I am BLESSED by Others Through CHRIST

I have lived in this same town for over 25 years. I have been a single mom going on 20 years. 
In all that time, I have never asked my church or my family for help. I am extremely independent and self sufficient. I like the fact that I have been able to make it on my own and provide for the girls by being able to budget and by being frugal. 

In those years, there have been a few situations where I have gotten an envelope with some money taped to my door, in a card, or for my birthday. One year, I was blessed to have a friend and her family do a sub for Santa. Another year a business picked me to give a shopping spree so I could buy a few new things for my kids. Still, another year, my bunko friends pooled together and gave me some funds for Christmas. I have never sought these things out, I was just grateful for those who have been so generous over the years to my family. 

I am not sure what is different this year, but I have been SO BLESSED this Christmas. I was given almost $1000 in gift cards and cash. Nearly half of it was anonymous. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude at the amount of people who are so generous. I am not sure why this year would be different than any other year. I have been through many a year of court cases, school expenses, lack of funds due to some people's lack of moral and obligatory responsibility, and many other things. This year has brought its own share of struggles, but not much different from many of those years. 

The only thing I can figure is that this trying year of COVID has softened peoples harts to others needs. It has been a year of trial for many. So many others are struggling as much, or more than I am, for sure! 

However, amongst all those kind people leaving money in my mailbox, taped to the door, doorbell ditching, and leaving it on the front porch, having ecclesiastic leaders give it to me "from kind congregation members," or just giving me a card that is signed with cash telling me to buy things for my family or on my needs, the center of them all is Christ!

The cards they chose to send, or the pictures they send with the cash or gift cards, all revolve around CHRIST! They came with messages of Christ, drawings of Christ, paintings of Christ, poems of Christ, or some mention written in the card of Christ! 

I believe that this year of trials has brought people closer to their Heavenly Father and Christ through those trials! 

I know this year has brought trials not just related to Covid into my life. I struggled with a few different things than I normally would, and in those trials, I was brought closer to my Savior! 

Each gift of cash through dollars brought me another reminder to "TRUST IN GOD" as it is written on the bills! I once again believe that my Father in Heaven is reminding me to trust in HIM, and he can prompt and urge others to be generous with their funds, or provide for my needs in the many ways I have shared on this blog over the past ten years! 

As you can see by the photo, all those references of Christ in the Gifts of funds and generosity! I am feeling so blessed by others, and from my Father in Heaven and Christ this year!

Because of the kindness of others, some of my stresses and worries of this year have been lifted and I could enjoy spending time with my family, over selling things to cover the cost of Christmas celebrations and fun. 

I pray you are all so blessed! May your season be sunny and bright because of HIM and through others!

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