
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Under THESE Stars - It All Began - Printed Star Maps of Your Location and Date

Princess Three is dating the CUTEST Guy ever! I have never seen her so relaxed around anyone she has dated in the past. 

She has known this boy for about four years, but they actually matched on a dating site / app and reconnected about six months ago or so. She was working and he had just graduated with his degree and was heading off to a medical school out of state from where she is living.

With that knowledge, they dated casually, and she dated other men. He left for school, but they found themselves talking every day even with his heavy load of classes. They found that they always have something to talk about, and enjoy spending time together. 

He decided to come for a visit over Thanksgiving. We all really enjoyed his visit. They are so cute together. We were hoping he would be able to come over Christmas as well as it was fun to have more people to play games with and they are so easy going, that it is nice to have them around! 

Because he already had plans with friends for a skiing vacation, he had limited time for holiday fun, so we were all willing to have and celebrate our Christmas early so that he could be here for our holiday together. 

Princess Three gave him a really cute gift for one of his gifts. It is a star chart that is printed up and framed that is the night sky overhead on the night they had their first kiss and WHERE they had their first kiss! Apparently, they can determine the exact star configuration based on the name of the place where you were at any given date and year in history.

People print up the sky the day their kids were born, the day they got engaged, and other big events in life. They will print whatever saying you want under the star chart with the date and location. Say you were at Disney on New Years Eve this year. You would put something like, "Under this sky at the magical kingdom we got engaged. December 31, 2020. 

It is such a cute idea and I could tell that her boyfriend really was touched by the gift. I thought I would share about it as it was a new idea to me and figured some of you may not know about it either! 

The site and link are

Have a Blessed Day!

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