
Friday, December 25, 2020

Weirdest Christmas Eve Ever - Sushi and Puzzles

Since my girls and I celebrated Christmas early, we really didn't have anything to do for Christmas Eve this year. 
We dropped off some gifts to others, and then thought we would say "hi" to our sushi friend and pick up some sushi for dinner. When we arrived, there was only one container of sushi left and we were happy for our friend that he sold out of sushi. 

We have lots of leftovers from our big early Christmas dinner so we were fine having that for dinner but we did buy the last sushi to help our friend out. 

We came home and I cut out a dress pattern for a dress that Princess Five likes, and then we did a 1000 piece puzzle and it was a super low key holiday. It is weird having everything over before others even celebrate. 

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Day!

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