
Monday, September 28, 2020

My Title was - More 111 Filled My Morning - Now its - I HATE BLOGGER

What started out as a gratitude blog post has turned into me falling asleep over and over as I can't get the photos to go inline with the text which I have been fighting for weeks now. 

I got up earlier than normal and started working online as I needed to order Princess Five some contacts. 

I have been working on this post for hours. I just keep fighting it over and over. I can't get the pictures to go inline and I used to just revert to the old blogger, but now I can't and I am sick of fighting the photos. I just need to leave as Google won't put advertisements on blogger because the images show up small on hand held devices, yet, blogger is OWNED by Google and the new interface is horrible. 

Just know, I had a great day with lots of 111 moments just after I posted about it yesterday! I need to just get off Blogger and do my own thing, but as you know it has been, and is, a busy time for me. 

Hopefully, you can enjoy the not so organized photos of me finding 111 after 111 for hours this morning! 

It has taken about three months to finalize her prescription as she has never had luck with contacts as they are big for her eye and then they twist and spin and she has to squint and focus before she can see. 

There was a "Happy Accident"  where they were sent the wrong contact for her eye, and it was from a different company. When she tried it on, it fit better than any other contact she had ever known. She LOVED the new contact. She enjoyed it so much that we had them order her a trial for both eyes and finally after months of trying different strengths, we found the right prescription.

Today, I was orderinthem and just one box for her right eye cost $111. I didn't like how expensive it was, but I know God helped us have that little accident with them ordering the wrong brand / prescription so she could find a contact that actually fits! 

I found all four of these 111 numbers within an hour or two of waking up. I just wanted to share that I know God is still looking out for me! 

Have a blessed day, and I hope Blogger can get its act together so I don't have to spend hours and not be able to get my photos inline! In the end, I had to delete all the photos and insert them one at a time, but it still kept messing up the text pulling it from place to place if I tried to move the photo at all. The indents are all different as the text is tied to the photo, but after hours of work, I was able to get the photos inline somewhat, but I can't do this every day! There are bloggers complaining all over the boards, so this is a system issue. Hopefully, they fix it soon! 

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