
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Paint Blessing - More Than Coincidence

I went to the hardware store today to purchase some wall texture as I want to work on the garage. Last year, I textured one of the walls in the garage. I did the wall between the house and the garage but ran out of texture just before finishing the wall. It was cold so I didn't get to finish the wall. 

After the yard sale last weekend, I wanted to finish a few more walls in the garage and make it a bit more organized so I can park my car in there this winter. I have had someone siphoning gas out of my tank for years now. I have so much stuff stored for everyone and food storage that my garage is like a storage unit rather than a garage. 

My house doesn't have much storage space and the garage is the only place for boxes or totes other than a large closet that I can't put much storage into. I talked to the man I bought the house from when he came to my yard sale and he told me that was why they moved from this house was that there was no storage. 

I love and appreciate my home and am grateful for it but I do need more storage so I hope that I can figure out a way to organize things for better space. My main problem is that food storage can't be stored on an outside wall so it is in the middle of the garage. I have one wall in the garage that can be used to store food so I want to finish that wall and then move the food storage to that wall. 

When I went to the hardware store, I felt like I should check the mismatched paint section. The paint I used on the wall I finished in the garage was a five gallon bucket that I purchased in 2006 as a mismatched paint! 

They had a bucket that had a similar color to the one I used in the garage and I had used some of that first bucket on some rooms in the house so I don't think I will have enough to finish the garage and was planning on having to purchase more to finish the garage. Also, the drywall primer bucket I used cracked and leaked so I don't have as much as I would like so I was thrilled to see that they had primer as well as the similar color paint. 

I ran home and got a sliver of the paint I used in the garage and when I compared the paint I have in the garage to the paint that was for sale for $40 for 5 gallons, it was an exact match! With the thousands of tints that can be made with custom paints now, the chances of having an exact match for the paint I purchased in 2006!

I also had a part I wanted to return from Ace and didn't have a receipt but they allowed me to return the item for almost $20. I also had a $5 coupon off $30 which they allowed me to use. I was able to get the primer and the paint for under $75. 

I feel like God led me to that paint today. I haven't looked at buying paint for a very long time. It was wonderful to know that I will have enough paint to finish the garage. It would be wonderful to get the garage finished but I have to be realistic and know that probably won't happen any time soon, but at least I can get a few walls finished and maybe I can get enough finished so that I will be able to park in it this winter. 

I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who takes care of all my needs! Have a blessed day!

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