
Friday, September 25, 2020

It Was a 111 Kinda Day - Trying To Recuperate

I had people texting me all morning about the "free" stuff I posted on the local face book pages. When we were finishing up the yard sale, I realized that perhaps if I posted "free" stuff, I could get people to take stuff that I would have to haul off which would save me effort.

I didn't think that process through well because all day today, I had people asking for free stuff that I had already hauled off for donation. I had someone come to my door early this morning. I didn't answer as I knew that it was someone wanting "free" stuff. 

I have dragged all day. I went looking for a odd plumbing part which took me to 4 stores in town and the last one had the part but the guy who could exchange the part on warranty was gone for the day so I have to go back tomorrow. Hopefully, they will just exchange out the faulty part.

At the different stores I was going to all day, I kept seeing 111. It started last night when I was boxing up the yard sale items. I saw a 111 on one of the banana box lids. I underlined it with Sharpie and took a photo as it had been some time since I posted about it. 

I guess focusing on it brought it into light because I have seen it over and over today! I saw it about three times at Walmart. I stopped at another local grocery store that had berries on sale and the discount on the berries was $1.11. I thought that was fun so I took a photo. I ran over to the sushi guy to say "hi" as we missed him the two times we bought sushi over the weekend as our "go to" fast food during the yard sale. 

The sushi guy gave me three rolls and put on extra sauce. I felt so blessed and grateful for that as it was dinner time. Princess Four was doing her online class. I had no food at home cooked and ready and am not feeling all that great. It was wonderful that he shared and I could have dinner that was ready to go. 
As I was checking out, the receipt had a 1111 on the bottom! Of course, I am feeling grateful and blessed today having all those reminders that God is aware of me! It was a blessed day! 

Now, I am headed to bed as I am really tired. I think those long days were a bit more than I should have done to my body. I am so grateful to have a bed and warm home! 

Have a blessed day!

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