
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Sum Of My Harvest - Not Much This Year


It is getting cold and I needed to get all the apples and pears off the tree as they keep dropping in the wind. The birds ate most of my fruit this year.

I didn't have much compared to other years, but the birds got most of what I did get. I love fall and getting to harvest the fruits and veggies. There wasn't much in the garden this year however. 

I planted about 15 different plants in my garden, but only half of them grew. I had a grape tomato, a cherry tomato, and a beef steak tomato that took, but I got three insect ridden tomatoes out of the beef steak plant today and there are three green tomatoes still on the plant. 

For the entire summer, that was the sum of that plant, yet it took over the garden area. So weird that it would take so much space and produce nothing. The cherry and grape tomato plants have been producing only the last month.

I did get hot peppers off one plant and the red pepper plant didn't do well. The red peppers rotted on the plant. None of the cucumbers grew. The squashes and melons didn't grow except one butternut squash plant and I got three squash off that plant. 

The apple trees, the two in the back I got one bag between them, and the five apple tree in the front, I got just under two bags but they were very bug ridden and half eaten. The only tree that got any fruit was the pear. I filled a bag to dehydrate and I had lots of little pears on it which I shared with the neighbors as they wouldn't be worth drying. 

I have been getting lots of cherry tomatoes and a few grape tomatoes every few days. I have enjoyed picking and snacking on them every few days. 

I had some potato plants volunteer under the trampoline tarp top I put over the area to keep the weeds down. I am guessing I have a few potatoes that will need to be dug up before the freeze. 

I am grateful for the harvest I have been blessed with and hope I get more next year so I can share more with the neighbors. Many said they were disappointed they didn't get plums this year. 

I need to get to pruning now that I have harvested all the fruit. It is a busy time of year for the yard. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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