
Friday, August 21, 2020

Zucchini Muffins For My Girls - It's Been Years

I was driving past a "give and take" booth in town today and saw a huge zucchini for the taking. I didn't stop, but thought that I should make some zucchini muffins for Princess Four and Five as we had just been talking about how many years it has been since I made them muffins. 

I used to make hundreds of muffins in the fall every year and would freeze them in Tupperware in the deep freeze and would take them out for events and when the girls would come home. 

I would also freeze the zucchini in the freezer already grated and ready to make more as needed through the year. 

I went to a second hand store and there were two large zucchinis on the counter. They said that someone just left them on the checkout counter a few hours earlier. They said they were going to take them home. I asked them if they were going to make zucchini bread and one of them said that she had never tasted it before as he mother had never baked for her. 

I was so sad that she had never had that chance to enjoy fresh baked goods. I thought that sealed the deal that I would drive by the "give and take" booth and pick up that zucchini if it were still there and I would make the girls some zucchini muffins to take when they head off to school / home. 

I got home and the girls were really excited about making muffins. Princess Five wanted nuts and no chocolate chips, and Princess Four wanted nuts and chocolate chips. It was a group effort and we looked up the recipe on my blog since I used to make them all the time. Here is a link to that post. 

I posted some tips that make it easier. I figured that Princess Four who is headed home tomorrow, could drop off a container to each of her sisters as she passes through their towns on her way home. I think that taking a piece of home with them makes it easier for them to go. 

It was fun baking with my girls. I was reminded about a recipe for some yummy zucchini brownies my friends Julie gave me and wanted to link them here, along with the zucchini spaghetti I make as well linked here. I have a veggie salsa recipe with zucchini linked here. 

Have a Blessed and Safe Day! 

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