
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Fun Fourth With Just Me and My Girls

As I have been sharing, the girls and I have been going through things. We have taken a few moments to enjoy ourselves. 

It is Grand-Prince one's birthday on the fourth, and we were sad we couldn't spend it with him as they are being safe since we have had people from all around the state coming home, and Princess Five has been to several dentist and Dr. appointments, so we will see him in a few weeks after we can make sure we are Covid free. 

I found a game at a second hand store and I am always on the lookout for a fun game. I figured out how to play this game with Princess one and her husband a few months back when they visited just before Covid happened. Princess Two found it in the games and said she just found the game at a second hand stores and purchased it and was wondering if the game was fun. 

I told her I thought the game was an ocean version of "Ticket to Ride" but with a pirate twist. 

It is called "Swashbuckled" and we have played it about 7 times in the past four or five days. The girls are here while my mechanic is working on Princess Three's car. The air-conditioner in her car wasn't working, so we had him take a look. It was the valve stem in the charger area that was leaking, so we think that small fix was the problem. 

While it was here, he looked at a few other things and found that she had no oil, so she must have a leak somewhere, but hasn't noticed any oil under her car, so they did an oil change and a tune up, and are looking at one other issue.

Being in a small town, they can't always get parts quickly, so he has been waiting on parts. This caused the girls to have an unexpected longer stay. 

We have been taking walks and working each day. We took a walk later than usual on the fourth, and the moon was full and low in the sky. I had the girls take this fun picture of me holding the moon in my hands. 

We were able to sit on the front lawn and watch fireworks that the city shoots off on a nearby hill and we have a perfect view. We then finished the night off by playing another round of Swashbuckled. 

I will share some other memories another day as it is almost 8 a.m. and I have been working all night as we are sorting through so many things that my house is exploding items to sell and give away. 

I am tired and pray I get a few good hours sleep before staring up again. Have a Blessed and rested day! 

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