
Monday, July 6, 2020

Amazonian Princess's Hauling Rock Over The Holiday

I am so blessed! I commented in yesterdays post how a neighbor I don't really know offered us some free rock he purchased for his yard.

Three of the girls and I went to the home, filled up a trailer that the neighbor provided with a ton of rocks and had another neighbor who is a dear friend offer us dinner as she could see us working so hard. Her family was all down so we tried to social distance as we ate dinner in their back yard enjoying their adorable grandchildren.

My friends son, found a 2 inch hitch ball and hauled the trailer to our front yard for us just an hour or so before dark. 

Knowing how I get overheated working in the sun, the girls were willing to haul all the rock to the back yard that evening so that I could spread it around in the cooler temperatures of the evening rather than waiting to do it on the fourth of July. 

They were such troopers. While the three girls were helping me shovel rock onto a trailer, Princess Two mowed the front and back yards and pulled weeds on the side of the house as I only finished half the bed earlier that day. When we arrived back with the truckload of rock, she helped fill up the wheelbarrow and cans that we used to haul the rock into the back yard. 

I was surprised how quickly the area was filled with rock having so many people helping fill the containers and haul the rock as I spread and prepared the area for the next load. The weed barrier kept moving as we would pour rocks on it so I had to hold it in place and put a few rocks onto it before dumping the loads. It was hard work but it moved much faster than the preparation of the area. 

I had put gravel down the window wells a few years back. Each time I clean out the window wells, (see a post about that here) I would pick up some of the gravel and throw it away so the wells were a bit messy with some weeds growing, some gravel, and some crushed leaves etc. I figured if I put some of the larger rocks down the window wells, as I cleaned them out using my method of rake and broom, the rocks would stay in place and make it easier to clean out rather than the gravel I used before. Time will tell, but the rocks look wonderful I the window wells. 

When I poured the gravel in them, I put a large piece of cardboard against the window and then dumped the gravel down into the well. I cleaned them all out first, and then we used the same method of putting a large flattened cardboard box down against the window, and then I would use a bucket and pour the rocks into the corners and against the edges of the window well before filling in the rest of the area with rocks. I love the way it looks and think it will keep any animals from burrowing up into the wells like we have had in the past. See a post about that here. 

We finished about 11:30 with the rock projects in the yard and we still had about half of the rock still on the trailer and the owner of the trailer said he would pick it up in the morning and before we got up on the fourth, the trailer was back at his house. It was amazing how easily the thing came together and that he had more than he could use and that I had so many of the girls here to help me haul it. It would have taken me a week to do it myself. 

The girls all said they felt a sense of accomplishment getting it all finished and it makes the back yard look more polished and today for the first time ever, we grilled and ate in the yard. We usually grill and eat in the house. I think they enjoyed being able to see the finished project! I planned on eating inside and they just all brought everything outside and we enjoyed our yard! 

I am VERY blessed! God is GOOD to me and my girls worked like Amazon Women! 

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