
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Grilling Shish kabobs for the First Time in 15 Years or More

The girls said they wanted shrimp when they came home this past visit a few weeks back. I forgot and didn't make any. 

I had one container in the freezer and wanted to use it up as I am trying to rotate through all the food in my freezers. I bought LOTS of fish when Covid started happening and I already had lots of turkey items in the freezer along with some veggies that are probably not good anymore. 

I told the girls that we could make Shish Kabobs on the grill since we had landscaped the back yard with the rock the day before. 

I went to the store and picked up fresh pineapple, mango, zucchini, mushrooms, peppers, and chicken so I could add the shrimp to the mix and we could have some yummy barbecue. 

I pulled out some hot dogs that I have had in the freezer for some time as well, and got extra chicken breasts so that I could do a barbecue chicken as well as the kabobs. 

It has been about 20 years since I made shish kabobs. I have grilled hamburgers, chicken, and hot dogs many times in those 20 years, but I haven't done anything fancy in a VERY long time. 

I pulled out the metal and bamboo kabob sticks I had, and cut up the chicken, fruit, and veggies to get them all ready and the girls then put together about 30 kabobs for me to grill. I did a chicken breast for each with the barbecue sauce as well as a package of hot dogs. 

I realized quickly that I should have precooked the chicken a bit as the veggies got overcooked as I wanted to make sure the chicken and shrimp was thoroughly cooked. The barbecue was some of the best I have made in years and the girls enjoyed the hot dogs. I will have to take a lesson on the kabobs and just make sure that they are somewhat precooked or use smaller pieces so that the other items don't burn. 

I really enjoyed them and Princess Three offered to watch the last bit of cooking so I could eat with the other girls which was very thoughtful of her. 

We had a wonderful meal and time in the back yard and I wish they were closer so we could have a Sunday family dinner or something as I don't know how many more times we will have "just the girls" home as they will marry and have children. 

It was a great time and the food was great. There wasn't a ton of left overs as we really enjoyed the meal, so next time I will have to cook twice as many, so I can enjoy some left over food! 

Have a blessed day! 

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