
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Finishing an Easy Project Today - Sorting Sheets

For many months now, I have had a project stacked in my family room. I pulled it out months ago thinking it would take me a few hours, maybe watching a movie to sort them into bins for use as quilt backs.

I have been so busy having children home and working on other projects that I haven't been able to get to it. I didn't want to pull all the bins and sheets out when I had people home, so it has just been stacked in a corner not getting done. 

Today, Princess Five was helping me go through a bunch of Wii games to pull out the less fun games to sell. She played the games while we watched "Relative Race" and I sorted the sheets into totes by size. 

I usually use the king sized sheets for more of our family life quilts, but when making quilts that are themed, I need different sized back and love to match the back pattern with the front. I buy most of my quilt back sheets at second hand stores for $4 or less. I don't think I have ever paid $5 unless it is a custom fabric that is copyrighted. I used to buy them new, but that can get expensive and sometimes it is hard to find the right color in the right size, so I have learned to purchase them when I see them and then I have them when needed.

I think I have enough backs now for all the quilt fronts I have. I have all the shirts organized but a few the girls have pulled out of their drawers for a life quilt addition. They have worked so hard going through everything for the past few months. I am excited to be getting rid of things and need to finish going through things so I can have a yard sale. 

I wish I could just get rid of them by giving them away, but finances always seem to be an issue with health issues. God has always taken care of me and I know he will continue to take care of my needs. 

It is nice that I have enough backs and shirts to make some fun quilts, and I am glad that I finally have them organized! 

Have a safe and blessed day! 

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