
Friday, July 17, 2020

God Blessed Our Town - A Car Full Of Food

I got a call about 10:30 that the food bank had almost a pallet extra of boxes of taco meat and bags of mozzarella cheese that wouldn't fit in the freezer. I spent near five hours delivering a car packed with food. I called my sisters kids as she is driving one of her children to Texas to live, and they picked up some snacks the food bank had outside for free for anyone to take, and three cases of the boxes of meat and cheese to keep and share. 

Each box had 2 - five-pound bags of Mozzarella cheese and 2 - 5 pound bags of taco meat. I visited with many people and prayed before going that I would know or be led to the people who it would help. I spent time visiting with several people who I had wanted to check on as several are suffering with health issues and visited with many others as well. It was a blessing. 

I wanted to share something cool about having prayed to find the people who needed the food today. I was going to take some of the food to a secondhand store in our town who gives job training to those who may not always be the most hirable due to a variety of reasons. Many are low income. I felt like I should take some of the food there as I have many times in the past. I was going to take it later in the day as the boxes were frozen and I didn't want it to melt all day but I could keep it in air conditioning in my car as I delivered to people. I felt that I should go right then instead of waiting. I took a shopping cart of boxes in and ran into a woman who has 8 children if I remember right. She mentioned that we hadn't seen each other in months and I told her I felt that God had led me to her and asked if she could use some of the food. I was able to give her some. 

I then thought about giving some to a woman whose daughter was a friend of Princess Five for many years. I don't even know her name. I haven't seen her in a long time. I did know that she works with someone I know, but I didn't think I could go to her work and ask if she wanted some food. While I was delivering food, my car ran out of gas and stalled while I was visiting with someone. I wasn't sure it would start, but the driveway was at an angle. Just at that point, someone I had called earlier and left a message about the food called and said she was near my home and could meet me to get some food. I was able to start my car and had her follow me to the gas station to make sure I made it. 

I pull into the gas pump and am getting gas at the front pump, and someone pulls in just behind me. I was wondering why they would pull in behind me when there were other open pumps. I look behind me, and it is the woman I thought about earlier whose daughter was my youngest daughters’ friend! I couldn't believe it! I told her I had just thought of her not more than 1/2 hour ago. I offered her some food. She was hesitant until I told her where it came from and she could see how much I had in my car. I was in awe at how God put people into my path and into my mind with whom I should share. 

I thought later about how I missed many people I normally would have normally shared with, and found those that needed contact or those whom I had never shared with before. 

One woman I hadn't talked to in years. I talked with her and we enjoyed catching up and I got a text from her after I left thanking me for the visit and kindness. I know she has struggled with mental health issues and think it was really good for her to have a visitor. I was also able to meet a new women who moved into our congregation and share with her. I even got to deliver some right to the freezer for those who were working who told me how to enter and where the freezer was located. 
I think it is interesting that some of my last words in my post yesterday were "God has always taken care of me and I know he will continue to take care of me!" 

Today, HE did take care of me, and not just me, but many others. It was just another faith building experience! God is good! 

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