
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Sweet Little Robin Mother

I posted a few weeks back about there being a robin nest in our front tree.

Things were a bit crazy with all the girls home but I guess Princess Five took a photo while waiting for me to get outside for our nightly walk. She sent me this picture with four beautiful blue eggs in the nest. 

One day we forgot to go around the tree and scared the mother bird and ourselves by walking a bit close to the nest. We took a video and could only see one baby bird in the nest and it didn't look like it was doing all that well. 

Coming back from our walk, the neighbor children said, "Isn't it cool that there are four babies in the nest! I didn't even know they knew about the nest. I asked how they knew that there were four babies in the nest. They told me that they had climbed up (there were lots of neighbor kids around) and saw them all that morning. 

I then got a bit stressed for the bird mother as I can imagine that all those little hands up there looking into that nest, that more than one of them held a baby bird or even may have taken them out of the nest. There were no dead babies in the nest, and there were no dead birds on the ground so I think that there must have been some kind of mishap with the baby birds during the day that only one bird was left in the nest. 

We have tried to avoid the nest for the past week and when walking outside we take a large circle around the tree to help keep the mother Robin from stressing out. She starts calling to her baby or warning us if we get close to the nest. 

Last week she was making noises with a worm in her mouth wanting to feed the baby. We quickly left the area so she could feed the baby. 

This week, we noticed she wasn't near so we took a few pictures and a short video and the baby opened its mouth seeing itself in the camera on the phone. It was really cute. 

The mother then started making noise from my roof letting us know she was watching. I can only imagine her stress having only one of the four babies left. We took a quick picture and moved on so that she could be with her baby. 

Every year I end up with a baby bird falling out of the nest as it gets bigger, and several times they end up in the window wells, so I am hoping that for all this Robin mothers work, this baby will make it to adulthood. 

It has been fun being able to see the progress but the downfall is that little kids can get to them as well. Thank heavens the local cats situation has gotten better or there wouldn't be one baby left. 

Lets all hope the baby makes it! Keep safe and healthy and have a blessed day! 

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