
Friday, June 5, 2020

Taking a Family Hike - First in Years

It has been a few years since my family and I have taken a hike. A few years back, we took a hike to a cave and had a good time going through the toured path through the cave.

Here is a link to a post about our hike to that cave.

Here is a link to a hike at a national park.

Here is another link to several hikes. 

Here is a hike to a repelling arch.   

There are many other hikes posted about which are of me with some of the girls. It is a past time that my father has enjoyed his entire life. He hiked every week for most of his adult life. I didn't get his ability to hike weekly but I do enjoy hiking and hiked Machu Picchu two years in a row without my children. 

Here is my first post about hiking Machu Picchu, but written the second year. 

Here is my post about hiking the second year. 

My daughters and I talked to a friend who suggested a hike on our way somewhere, so we stopped just off the highway where they had a trail head and a little jail from late in the 1800's. 

We then took a short hike on a VERY hot day. I think it was the hottest day of the years so far. We were able to see three or four different desert flowers. There were pink and red cactus, white daisy type cluster flowers and I saw some beautiful rocks and wood pieces on the hike. 

Princess Four is so like me in so many ways. I saw a cup someone threw in the dirt on the way up, and planned on picking it up on the way back. Princess four beat me to it by picking it up as I was taking pictures of the girls hiking from behind. I picked up a bag and some other trash which she ended hiking out and throwing away once we arrived home. 

The girls were so cute visiting and joking with each other while we hiked and I really enjoyed taking time with them. It was so hot and I don't do well with the heat so I wished we had been able to take the hike earlier in the day. Other than the heat, it was so enjoyable to spend the time with the girls. 

I hope that we can always enjoy doing things together no matter where or what we are doing. I am truly grateful for my family! I can only wish the same for you! 

Have a blessed day! 

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