
Monday, May 18, 2020

Unpacking, Washing, and Visiting Kind of Day

I have been fighting a storm headache for the past few days. It hit hard when I was driving home from the airport a few days back and has lingered for two full days as the weather changes.

I gave up coke in January trying to be healthier and have lost 40 lbs as of today, but not drinking Coke has meant my headaches tend to last longer. I haven't gotten as much as I would have liked done in the past few days, but I have been constantly working and finally felt good enough to mow the lawn.

Princess Four has been working from home as she finished up her job at the university she attended for school today. It is her last project for the school. She is a bit melancholy about that as she isn't sure what she wants to do now that she has graduated.

Princess Five has been working hard on unpacking her three suitcases, washing everything, trying on her clothes she left home and since all the stores are closed, she doesn't have any pants. She could only wear skirts or dresses as a missionary, so she has plenty of those. She left a few pair of pants, but her sister lost weight at college and raided her drawers while she was gone and Princess Five's body shape changed while on her mission so they wouldn't fit well anyway.

I have one box of pants of different sizes that I keep in my closet and have one or two in each size hoping to get back into them. Each of my girls as they come home from being a missionary has gotten a few pair of jeans out of that box to wear until they get back into life and their weight banlances. They have all dropped the pounds within six months of being home. She will be walking everywhere on campus so I know she will be similar to her sisters. 

She has piles of clothes out of her closets to get rid of, ones she brought back from her mission, and she has been trying on ones from her sisters. I am really proud of her being able to sort out things and keep only things she needs. We are still working on getting things cleaned out. It feels good to get more out of the house. 

We have had several video chats with all the girls and it has been such fun. I am really enjoying my girls all being "home." 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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