
Friday, May 15, 2020

That's All Folks! Last Email from Princess Five as A Missionary I Forgot To Share

Princess Five wrote this last email Monday as she was getting ready to leave her mission this week. 

I posted early that day knowing I would have a busy night and next day picking up Princess Five and lots of driving as well as other errands. 

I forgot to share her last note and pictures of her mission life, so wanted to share it here so that her entire mission was journaled on the blog. I am going to miss getting updates from her weekly as none of the girls keep up communication in that way, and we do video chats and texts mostly, so I don't often get a lengthy update on their lives. 

Here is the last email from Princess Five as a missionary: 
"I don't have much time but, this week was a bitter sweet, I said a lot of goodbyes, and it's been pretty hard.

On the bright side though, Eva came to church! She said the closing prayer, and when we talked to her later, she said that she loved it and was excited to prepare for next weeks lesson! She is such a light and she is so excited to be baptized! For my fellow missionaries, you can forward your emails to  me, as for the rest of you, I will talk to you soon!

Hermana Princess Five"

I think Princess Five will be missed by those she left behind. I have to say that I am enjoying any minute I get to spend with her and am always looking for something to do with her just so I can be with her. Even if it is watching her unpack or just talking. She has such a light about her that it is a blessing to be around her. 

Hope you are staying safe and have a blessed day! 

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