
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Princess Five Gave a Mission Homecoming Report

Tonight we had a wonderful Mission report from Princess Five. My sister wanted to have a weekly meeting with all the family and has been organizing a Monday night zoom meeting for all the missionaries in my family to report about their missions.

Since six of them had to return home before their missions were actually finished, some of them are planning on going back into the mission field. One nephew has already gotten a new mission call. He was serving in Thailand and has just gotten a call to go to California in July. 

We have heard from all but one of the missionaries who will be reporting her mission next week. 

Princess Five was able to give an hour report and share pictures of her mission and tell some wonderful stories of her service to others. 

She shared her work at Ellis Island and things about each city she lived in. She shared about the people she taught and some insights she gained while serving. 

She was so passionate about her testimony of her Father in Heaven and His blessings in her life, and about sharing that knowledge with others. 

I am blessed to have amazing daughters. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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