
Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Joy Is Full - Princess Five Is Home

My Joy is so full having Princess Five HOME! Princess Four decided to come home and quarantine with us for the two weeks. 

We spent the day dropping off things for family, putting a flower wreath and pinwheel on my mothers grave for Mother's day and Memorial day coming up, getting some groceries and then to the airport to pick up Princess Five! 

They had signs up to park on a certain parking level in alphabetical order and stating you can't go into the airport. We parked near a pilon and taped up a welcome home sign and put up some helium balloons taped to the edges. 

She had to collect her luggage and come to the parking garage. We loved being able to hug and see her in person. I was so grateful for Princess Four choosing to come down, as she had made a list of songs she wanted to share with Princess Five and they sat in the back seat together for our long drive home and visited giggling and sharing songs. 

We had a family chat so that the other girls could see her, and then Princess Two picked up some Thai food and met us on the highway where she distanced from us, and we visited and ate a late dinner. 

We arrived home late and had put up several signs and Princess Five loved them. It was a truly wonderful day and I felt my JOY was FULL having such a beautiful moment realizing what beautiful girls I am blessed with. 

Have a blessed day! 

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