
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Life Update - 40 pounds down and More Parasite Stuff Tried

I spent a few minutes yesterday making an update video on my life, my weight loss, and a few new things I have tried to cure me of the parasites. 

I want to tell you to NOT try doing or taking anything that I am sharing in this post or video because they are not medications made for humans. I had people share on my YouTube, or comments here, saying that they tried these medications for parasites and other health issues. 

I did LOTS of research and decided to try taking these two medication that are for animals, but have worked for other people.  I tried "Corid" and Fenbendazole. Corid is for sheep and Fenbendazole is for dogs. 

I gave Corid two different trials with one at a lesser dose with no results and then a higher dose with no results. 

I tried the same with Fenbendazole. I tried a smaller dose first, and then a larger dose, and then a medium dose a few days after the larger dose. I had no die off of the parasites and they were as active as they ever are. NO death that I could tell of any kind on either medication. 

Along with the Corid, I was taking Black Walnut, Graviola, Wormwood (artemisia), Andrographis, and Ashwagandha. I took them regularly for days and had no die off of the parasite. I know that this parasite just burrows out of the gut when I take stuff it doesn't like, and then when the stuff is out of the gut, the parasite burrows back into the gut. 

I need something that will kill them off in the lymph, brain, organs, and muscle. The only thing that I have taken that made them move further than just out of the gut, was Pyrantel. 

However, they just burrowed into the larger muscles and stayed until the pyrantel left my system, and then burrowed back out. It caused terrible and painful muscles spasms, and horrible pain in the smaller extremities as they would feel like drills in my finger tips which caused fingernail damage growing out for months after taking it.

I want you to know that I appreciate people sharing with me what works for them, as it gives me other things to study and try. I have quite the list now of things I have tried, so that when Scientists start studying this in humans, I can share what didn't work and what I have tried.      

Pray that I can find something soon that works as I am not getting much sleep with them burrowing out of my teeth and lips, and going in and out other areas of my body all night long. I know there has to be a cure at some point, I just hope it is sooner than later! 

I don't want my children and their children suffering with this their entire lives. 

Have a blessed day!          

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