
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Landscaping, Sorting and Walking Oh My - Movie Quotes Abound

I have several videos and posts I have wanted to share, but it takes an hour to post a video with all the descriptions, and answering all the questions and putting tags on for each video. 

Writing a blog and posting it also takes about an hour. Uploading pictures, writing and editing the content, and posting usually takes some time. 

With Princess Four and Five home, I want to spend my time with them as Princess Four will soon be headed back to her home. I don't want to miss this time with both of them together as I don't know that I will ever have this opportunity again. It is so wonderful to enjoy them together. They are so cute, and banter back and forth with movie and music quotes all day long. They have music playing all the time. 

We haven't watched any movies yet and are looking to have a "pedicure" night soon. We are keeping ourselves busy. We spent today and yesterday working. Princess Five is still going through her closets and belongings and each day she is gathering more and more items that she puts on the growing pile to give away. 

Both girls helped me move a goji berry plant in the back yard that was next to my dryer vent. It was blocking the vent. I had a flower bed in the back corner and decided to extend it to meet up with the raised garden bed. The girls helped me put down weed barrier, get a few loads of extra dirt, move and haul bricks, and plant some garden plants. 

It is nice to be able to work with them and see things progress and move forward in our yard and home. I may have some shorter blog posts because of spending time with my cute girls. We have been taking walks together each night and I love having the company while I walk! Be patient with me. 

Have a blessed day! 

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