
Monday, May 4, 2020

Cleaning and Organizing a Storage Room

The last week I spent four full ten hour days and one half day helping my neighbor clean her basement. 

We were able to organize her four storage rooms during that time. I hauled four car loads of donations out of her basement. I was also able to get several things for my girls as well. 

The first two days we worked on her big storage room and food storage room. We got it very organized and she was so happy to not have to worry about tripping over things.  

She told me after that she went down looking for something and since I just labeled everything, she said she was able to just go down and look at the shelves and find what she needed.

She is quilt old and a bit forgetful so I made sure that we had everything labeled. I know she told me she has been able to sleep better knowing that the basement is cleaned out. 

I made a video of how we organized it and I thought I would share how I organized it. Hopefully I made it clear enough. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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