
Friday, May 1, 2020

My Favorite Wood Worker - Homemade Crib Beautiful Work

I've been helping my neighbor clean out her basement storage rooms for the past four days. I thought for sure I would finish today, but it seems like we start one room, closet, or shelf and then in order to put the stuff away, we need to clean out another area to put stuff from the first area. 

We finished three closets this morning and then I had a Dr. apt and ate some dinner and went back coming home just before 11 p.m. 

We have two storage rooms that we worked on today. The larger room, not much changed in that room as we had to clean other places to put the stuff. I went home to pick up several gorilla picture hanging hooks so I could hang some paintings that her parents did on the wall. 

I was also looking for some screws and nuts to put together a cradle she inherited from her parents. I didn't have the right size, so will have to head to the store tomorrow and buy a few more to put it together so she can have it put together for her grandchildren's kids. 

I went to look in her husbands workshop for some parts that matched what I needed, and I wasn't able to find any. I almost cried when I walked in and saw the finished (except stain and varnish) crib that he made for each of his grandchildren to have for their kids. 

He made one for each. The last grand-daughter isn't married,u but he wanted to finish making her one and was working on that last project when he fell and then wasn't able to live at home any longer. 

It is such a beautiful crib, he did such a wonderful job with it! I love it so much! I was also able to see the four wood beds he made in the basement and he made lamps and some dressers as well. There were end tables and this wonderful gun hutch in the storage room I finished cleaning out today. 

We have one last storage room for tomorrow and I am praying I can finish it all and be done with it soon. It needs to be finished as I won't be able to help her while Princess five and I are in quarantine when she returns from NY. 

I told her today that we can finish her house tomorrow, and then when Princess Five wants to get out in quarantine and work in the yard, we can plant any flowers she wants to purchase if she tells us from the door of the house where she wants us to plant them. She got so excited because she can't squat or bend well anymore and wanted flowers in her yard. 

I need to do both my house / basement and re-landscape the front beds and put in new plants etc. It would be really enjoyable to have a finished home and yard, but I know I am able to help her in ways she can't do for herself so I enjoyed spending time with her today and had a few signs from my mom in the past few days with rainbows, and found two items with her name on them in her house and no one in their house has my mothers name, so I don't know why they were in her home, but I have just found that when I am doing good things, I get little signs sharing that I am on the right path. 

I found more money today while cleaning as well, reminding me to Trust in God! Stay safe and have a Blessed Day! 

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