
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Last Week In NY for Princess Five

Here's your Daily quote for the week.

Hey everybody!! Not a whole lot of new stuff this week but it was good:)

We are still stuck in isolation but things are starting to loosen up! They opened up the parks! Not that we've gone,but hey that's still fun! 

Oh my gosh the weather has been so nice here!! We've spent so much time outside enjoying the beautiful weather! 

We got to take the sacrament! This is only the second time of isolation but it was awesome! We got to drive to the end of our area and go to the Bishop's house and take it with him and his family. Man I miss people so much. We had to leave right after but, I would have loved to stay. 

Our friends are doing really good. It has been hard because a lot of them are struggling financially and they keep reaching out to us for help and it just breaks my heart that I can't help them. Please pray for them.

We made a new friend this week. His name is Lee. We met him on Facebook and he is really solid! He likes reading in the Book of Mormon and even came to our Sunday School call! We are excited to see how he keeps doing! 

Josie s doing well. Poor lady though! She cut off the tip of her thumb so that has been a painful process. We taught her the law of tithing and fasting this week though and she really liked it and even committed to fasting! We love her so much, she has hands down been the biggest blessing from isolation. 

That's about all but I love you all! Sending hugs and little Korean finger hearts! 

Hermana Princess Five



Church and a fun WhatsApp picture!

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