
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Flights Being Shut Down Out of New York - Will Princess Five Get Stuck in NY

Of course I have been watching the news carefully over the past few weeks as Princess Five is living in the thick of the Corona Hot spot for the world. 

My big fear is that she will get sick there and not be able to get help due to the medical community being full up, but on the other side of that, I fear that they will close the airports and she won't be able to get home. 

I now think it is a real possibility as I read an article that shows that all the major airlines have cut back on their flights out of NY due to people not wanting people from NY coming to their states, and people are in lockdown and aren't flying anywhere. 

The article said that they are down to six flights a day out of NY until May 6th. Princess has her flights booked for May 12th. I don't see this getting any better anytime soon. I don't know why they keep trying to sell the news and people that New York is almost over the peak of this nightmare. If you look at Italy, they are still in the thick of it. Even though they have less deaths daily than they had for a month, they are still having over 500 deaths a day! 

Most Europe countries are still on the rise. NY is just beginning to see this nightmare and it isn't going to end anytime soon as more counties cases are on the rise. It is just spreading outward to surrounding states and will continue to spread out from there. 

I went Monday to send Princess some of the homemade masks I made, and my brother sent her some N-95 masks this morning as he wanted her to have them if she does get a flight home. There was an article today about how many airline workers have tested positive, the pilots, stewardesses, airport workers and they have shut down their air attendant schools as well.

At the post office, they have plastic taped up, a small plastic shield in front of the worker, but the workers aren't wearing masks or gloves. I appreciated that they at least have some type of barrier, but that isn't going to stop air from getting to them. 

I left there and went to the local dollar store and was in shock. I have NEVER seen so many people at that store in the over 20 years I have lived in this town. I realized that they are the only store in town that is open and not limiting customers. 

It is 1/10 the size of Walmart and there were well over 40 people in the store. I sat outside video chatting my missionary hoping that the store would clear out some, but a mother and four or five children walked out and as a few cars would pull away, several more would come. I had on a mask and gloves and saw two others headed in with masks. 

Most people had no masks or gloves, and I quickly grabbed the batteries I needed and was walking to the checkout when a woman with her companion who was walking towards me sneezed into the air, saw me stop in my tracks as I didn't have glasses on and she got a panic look on her face and looked away from me! I couldn't believe it. This is the third time in as many weeks that I have gone out once in the week and someone has coughed, or sneezed right in front of me. Last week, a Walmart stocker was walking towards me and coughed and then shrugged with a smirk, like, it is what it is. 

I think we as a nation really need to get with it wearing masks when we are sick or may get someone else sick. 

I quickly checked out and went home and pray I don't get anything as I haven't been doing all that great recently anyway. 

Please stay safe and stay home. I told Princess Five that if she wants to stay in NY longer than her planned date so she can stay quarantined and not have to fly, I would be alright with that. 

It is a bit crazy right now. We will have to see how the next month goes. 

Have a blessed day! 

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