
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Peanut Butter and Pickle Toast - Princess Five in NY Quarantine

Hey friends!

I am doing great considering the circumstances! I'm actually grateful to be a missionary at this time. Having a structured schedule and a purpose has been really good! 

We had Conference this week which was wonderful as well. After hearing all the talks, I feel like now more than ever, I need to work on receiving personal revelation. I already have the new proclamation printed out☺

We hit 500 and almost 600 likes on our Facebook page!

Being called as an STL has really helped, because a lot of my focus has been on helping the other missionaries I'm over, so if you are having a hard time, I would really recommend maybe changing your focus a little. We have a lot of fun activities planned for them so stay tuned.

In this weeks district council, one of the Hermanas said something I really love and would like to share with you. She talked about Nephi when he broke his bow hunting. He was put in a hard situation where his brothers and even his father were upset, but in that time, he learned that he was capable of making his own bow. Which I'm sure made way to him being able to build a boat. And it helped him come closer to God. In Conference I enjoyed the talk by Ricardo Giménez he talked about how trails+faith is strengthening but how trails+fear is hurtful. So even though everything is crazy it's really helped me to look at this as my broken bow, something to help me come closer to Jesus Christ and lean on him. And hope you all will choose to do the same!

Hermana Princess Five
My play dough snake I made
One of our sisters told me I should try peanut butter pickle toast. And it's not too bad.

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