
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Join Us In A Day of Prayer and Fasting To Fight This Plague

Last weekend, our church had a world conference which happens twice a year in April and October. The church leaders called for Friday, April 10, 2020 to be a day of fasting and prayer for the world. 

We invite all to join us in this day of fasting and prayer to help the world overcome this virus. I believe our Heavenly Father allows us to have cause and effect in the world, but in His mercy, guides people to be inspired to things they may otherwise not. 

Just today, I read about a Dr. who is fighting on the front lines in the NY hot spots. He was sleeping and said he woke with an epiphany on how they could use cpap machines used for apnea patients, and turn them into ventilators by making a transitional part on 3-D printers. 

He was able to do this and they were able to take some patients off the actual ventilators and put them on this apnea machine and give the ventilators to worse patients. 

I believe God IS helping, and that all things shall be for our good. He is in charge. 

I will be fasting and praying for a resolve to this nightmare and hope you will join us! Either way, have a BLESSED day!

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