
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Thou Shalt Not Be Creepy - Quarantined in NY Princess Five

Hola Hola!  

For all those who are wonder, I am great, healthy, and working hard. Even though we've been self isolating since Tuesday, we've kept ourselves pretty busy!

•on Tuesday we had our last district
•my comps mom sent us balloon animals

• I made a scavenger hunt for my companion

•we found one new friend through Facebook this week!

•because we are on Facebook so often, we talk to a lot of creepy people, so we made our own commandment, "thou shalt not be creepy." (Don't worry we are safe about it, and our people blocked list is always growing.)

•we go to the church once a day and so we always drive exactly 11.9 miles, everyday.

• because no one is at the church, we have taken over a little bit and made our very own recording studio where we record Facebook videos for our area page.

• we hit 460 likes on our Facebook page!
•Teaching virtually is actually very time efficient, easier to get members in lessons, and we can teach single men who we otherwise couldn't teach. And, if people decide to not answer our call, we haven't lost any drive time. Also, no one is working and everyone has so much time to talk to the missionaries. I only see positives.

•we wore gloves to go to the store this morning

I would love to hear from you this week! Thanks to those who have been checking in on me to see how I'm doing!

Hermana Princess Five

Also one of the sisters in our district drew us all as animals, I'm the squirrel!

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