
Monday, March 23, 2020

I Lost Over 30 pounds in a Month and a Half - Still Going Strong

I have been working on getting myself more healthy in the past few months. I haven't done as much about figuring out a cure for the parasites, as I have been researching ways to get myself more healthy while I have the parasites. 

I made this video a few weeks ago and wanted to share it with you and let you know that as of today, I have lost or "released" over 30 pounds! It is hard work, but I am NOT exercising at all as that has made me gain weight, and I share all of this in the video. Since March 11th when I made this video, I have lost even more weight, and I find that by alternating the way I eat each day or two, I have been releasing more weight than when I stayed with just one type of diet. 

I will try to do a monthly update video on this to share where I am going through this journey. I made the video, and then all the Corona stuff happened so it got pushed to the back of the line. 

This is part of the reason I haven't been doing parasite update videos as I have been more focused on this for now. Hopefully, me getting healthy will help me with the parasite as well. 

The photo at the top is me at my all time heaviest. I started this fast Jan 31st 2020 at 269 lbs. after gaining over 10 pounds over the holidays. As of this morning, I am at 238.5. That is over 30 pounds in just over a month and a half.

It isn't easy, but I am hoping it will help with my health and the parasite problem. 

Have a Blessed day! 


  1. Pemberton sign! If mass is extending into thoracic inlet it is pressing the trachea against the rib cage (sternum). It also causes under skin veins dilation in upper chest area

    1. Thank you Babylon. I appreciate you taking the time to share that information. Have a Blessed day!
