
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Stores Have More Food This Week But Are Limiting Purchases

I needed a few things this week so I wanted to go to the store. I tried to think about what the best time to go to the store would be as to not run into many people. I decided to go about 10 a.m. so that the morning rush would be over.

I was surprised at how busy the store was. There were signs on almost every shelf saying, "Please be courteous of others and only buy what you need so others can also get what they need. The shelves had things on them, but were still quite empty. I purchased many things at a higher price than I normally would because I am hoping that I don't have to go to the store for a few weeks. 

I spent just over $200 at Walmart but they didn't have any gluten free soups and their shelves for that type of thing were quite empty. 

I then went to the other grocery store in town and they had limits on most items. I had forgotten to get some rice milk for when the family comes. I went to get that and looked to see if they had gluten free soups. They did because they had a limit of two cans of soup per person. 

I picked up my two cans and at the checkout, I asked when they would be lifting the ban on purchasing the soups. They asked me why, and I shared that it is hard to get gluten free items. They told me to go get what I wanted. I have never paid more than $1.50 for a can of soup. The were charging $2.99 each can. 

I spent about $250 total on groceries but didn't have many bags for that amount. I had four bags of toilet paper four packs. I was happy to be able to get what I needed and be able to quarantine myself.

I hope you are also able to get what you need to keep safe.

Have a blessed day! 


  1. I afraid the stores are "restocking" from their own inventory, not from new shipments. Although it's not mentioned but the paper for towels is used to produce hospital gowns and such and bagged potato and meat are going to be processed and sealed in cans for the same purpose.

    1. Very interesting. I know at some point we will all most likely get this, but hope that the worst will be over in a month or two so that people can then start moving again, but my thoughts can't help go to how this is going to change life for a very long time.

      I appreciate your kind words and comments on my posts. Have a blessed day!
