
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Looking for Rainbows in NY - Princess Five Mission Update

Hey friends!
Sorry I didn't email last week!

We have 2 friends Eva and Ace, who walked into church last week who have a friend from there country who is a member and they just jumped straight in, making plans to come to church every week, and meet with the missionaries and they just understand everything so well. 

We have another friend that found out we do missionary work every day and she asked if we could come visit her more than once a week!

We have a friend named Serg. We found him while sitting in the car about two weeks ago he was walking in the dark and I saw the gold of the bible he was carry shining in the light. I told sister Jones we had to talk to him so we jumped out of the car and chased him down. We weren't able to set an appointment with him then and then last week we ran unto him again on the same street. We told him about the book of Mormon, and he wanted a copy. Jump to Saturday, and we were finally able to meet with him. He told us has been going to another church for the last several months and he is preparing to be baptized there. He is just starting to learn about God and read the bible, so after we told him about the book of Mormon, he asked the members of his church what "Mormon" meant. They told him we were people who believe in God but not in Jesus Christ. After hearing that he thought to himself," there's no way these girls don't believe in Jesus Christ." And when he got home he thought more about the book of Mormon, and was thinking of where he could buy one, so he could read it right away! After our lesson he was so excited and asked us where he should start reading. We are excited to see him progress!

Hermana Princess Five

All these pictures are from last week because we didnt take any this month

We like to look for rainbows
Matching with sister Certa
New York Skyline!

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