
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

It Is Official - Horsehair in Humans Website is Now Live

I have pulled so many overnight work sessions with this webpage, four in the last week. I am SO frustrated with YouTube and google as they won't allow you to have more than one webpage linked to your YouTube account without setting up a google console, which I did. However, the console is linked to the google account I was forced to set up years ago to set up the channel as it had to be a google account. So, I created a google account which I have never used as I immediately linked my current email account to it which wasn't a google account at the time. 

So, I have a console for my website, my blog, and a YouTube account I can't link to anything as it has a google account that has never been used. So, I have spent 10 to 12 hours just looking into linking the accounts which I couldn't find and then spent an hour chatting with YouTube tonight who sent me links to all the pages which I already had looked into. 

Basically, I had to share that with you because I am putting the launch video up but can't link to the website from the video! So, I had to put the links in the description box which I have never done before, but hope that I can figure it out so that people can find my blog and my website from YouTube! 

I know the site isn't perfect, but I tried to make it with chat forums and comment sections so that everyone can share their stories and suggestions that may help those just finding the page. 

I hope that the site will help bring awareness to the situation for all those that are suffering that have been writing me for years. I also hope it will be a place where Doctors and scientists can go to find out more about how the Horsehair Nematomorpha parasite is adapting in humans. 

It is after 5 a.m. again and I have more pages open on my computer than I ever have in my entire life because I am still looking into fixing the YouTube / google issue. Wish me luck and enjoy the new webpage. And, in my tired humor, I will just say, "YOU'RE WELCOME!" as the Mulan song comes to my mind! ha ha 

If you find any typing errors or issues, feel free to comment on the website or here. Have a blessed day! 


  1. hello. i was wondering if you could help me. i need advice as i believe i have this and am dying slowly. i’ve been treated like a crazy person for two years and am now to the point where i won’t even see a doctor. i’ve tried everything i can possibly think of, yet, they will not go away. i’m almost bald and am covered in rashes. any ideas or advice you have could potentially save my life. thank you so much in advance!

    1. Hello Rose, I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with this. I share on my website called: ways that I treat things and I personally use lugols iodine on the rashes in the morning, and then use some diatomacious earth on them all day and night to keep them dry. I use a cut off sock on the arm and leg rashes and put the diatomacious earth or gold bond powder inbetween my skin and the cotton sock top to keep the area dry! I also use antifungal cream from the dollar store that has aloe in it on the hand rashes during the day sometimes. There are two different rashes and both need to be kept dry but sometimes one of the rashes acts like a fungal rash and that type of rash is usually on the hands. That is the only one I will use the fungal rash on. The others I keep as DRY as possible using the powder or DE mentioned above.
      I peroxide my hair every few weeks making it really blonde as it keeps the parasites out of the hair so I don't lose as much.
      I hope we can find a cure soon as there are so many people suffering.
      Subscribe to my youtube channel "thesecretisgratitude" and watch all the parasite videos and updates as they will give you information as well.

      When I do find a cure, I will make a video about it and will continue to make update videos until that time so hopefully those will help!

      I will say a prayer for you Rose! I know that I will find a cure at some point, but just don't know when that will be!

      Have a blessed day!
