
Monday, February 3, 2020

All Nighter Once Again - Website is Nearly Done

I have been up all night working on the website again. I edited it again and then went through it all once more thinking I could finish it quickly. Well, it didn't go as planned as I had trouble with the format on one page. I got that finished and then tried to link it to google so people can find it and there was a whole bunch of stuff I had NO idea what they wanted. I may show up on searches or may not. On this blog, I don't have to put anything in and I just show up on searches. I am not sure what key words would have been best, or which title would be best, and I wasn't sure which picture to put as you have to set up what you want your "Share" to look like on social media etc.

So much has changed in the ten years since I started this blog. I really thought I would have it finished and set up. Just a few minutes ago finished the google link set up and got this page. I had already started this post by that point as I am a few hours late to post due to all of this.

I still need to link it to this blog and am not sure that the link to my parasite playlist is going to work. I can't seem to tell if it is linking to my main editing page on YouTube for my channel, or to my public channel, but I guess we will find out. ha ha.

I can't believe the hours I have spent on this thing. I know it will help people, but I am one tired momma! My back is aching from sitting on the chair, my legs and hands are swollen from sitting and typing, my broken tailbone has reached its limit, and both my paddings on my chair are flat! ha ha

I hope I can get a few hours sleep, but am hoping the plumber will show up with a camera today so in a way, I hope I don't get sleep. ;-)

I am planning to go live tomorrow with the website done. It will be a relief to have it off my list. Hopefully, I will be able to maintain all the emails, comments, forums, twitter, Facebook, and problems running all the different pages, blogs, links, and YouTube.

Have a Blessed and restful day!


  1. Praying it all goes well. Maria

    1. Hey Maria, can't seem to figure out how to link the webpage to youtube. Very frustrating. May just have to not link it. Spent all night and part of yesterday on just that one thing. Thanks for your prayers! Have a blessed day!
