
Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Little Tired and Discouraged But it Ended With a Smile - 111 moments

As you know, it has been a very long week trying to get the webpage done. I really had no idea that one little issue could cause so many other issues. 

I got so frustrated as my now linked blog threw up lots of flags to google as I set it up so may years back. I think I may have to design a new blog, and find a new host as I have had so many problems with blogger lately. I think it is just outdated and it isn't as up to date as some of the other sites. 

I don't want to have to put more funds out each month as my blog doesn't really make much, so I hate to go to the work and expense, but it is really getting frustrating having these issues. 

The notices are for thing I have no way to change and have never heard of before. I am spending hours researching each different problem. I am not sure which way to go at this point. 

With all this going on, I have had some wonderful 111 moments. The day I finished the website, I had been working all night. I published it, linked it to google and finally gave up on linking YouTube for the moment. I shared a picture of the home page of the website with my girls on our family group. I finally climbed into bed in the afternoon after having been up all night and morning working. I lie down, roll over and look at the clock and it was 1:11 in the afternoon. I laughed to my self that God was telling me that it was "OK" and that I am doing good things, and it will work out. I took a picture and sent it to my girls showing them the time I got into bed.

Twice this week Princess Two has posted or sent me something at 11:11. Just tonight I got on Facebook and noticed she posted her latest blog post at 11:11. Of course I had to comment on it. 

I was talking to Princess Four about a HUGE decision she needs to make by Friday. She is working so hard, 18 credits, work, and church responsibilities etc. She was VERY stressed on the call, and we talked until she felt better and at the end of the call she said, "It will all work out in the End as God is in charge." and we said goodnight. I noticed the call ended at 1:11 a.m. as she didn't get home from working on her group project for school until after midnight and called me while walking across campus.

I sent her a text saying we hung up at 1:11 and she wrote back saying she noticed that as well and took a screen shot. I had tried to take a screen shot but couldn't figure out how to do it as I have a new phone. 

So, I wanted to share with you that in the past week or two, I have had so may 111 moments and haven't posted about any recently so I thought I would share those with you today. I hope that tomorrow will be a better and less stressful day as far as the computer / internet goes. 

I know God loves me, and that I am doing what I can to help others by working on this parasite, so I have to be patient with myself in this learning situation. I am grateful for the 111 reminders that HE loves me and that it will be OK! 

Have a blessed day!  

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