
Friday, January 31, 2020

I Am Almost Done With The New Webpage - horsehairinhumans

I have been pulling a bunch of through the night work sessions trying to get the new website done. I had plans today, but ended up not feeling all that well as the parasite that is living in my left hip decided it didn't like the Lugol's Iodine I have been putting in the area and decided to lay eggs in my left leg. Here is a link to a post about that. Here is another about that. 

I gave up my travel plans for the day and have been working on finishing up the website. I think for the most part, the pages, links, pictures, and format are done. I need to proof read it, link it to google so that people can find it on searches, and link it to the advertising. 

I am quite disgusted with the advertising on my blog currently. Last year I had one ad on the left side of the page, now I have five through one blog post. Last year I made about $10 a month. This year, I have averaged less than $5 but with all the ads lately, I am at about $6 to $7 a month. It doesn't seem like it is worth it to have to scroll through all those advertisements, and often times it is not something I would like advertised on my blog. 

You can tell I am tired as I keep getting distracted. ha ha I will hopefully feel better tomorrow and be able to finish all those things I need to do before activating the site. I know it isn't going to be perfect, but it is what I can do. Hopefully, it will be good enough for people to find all the information on one site. 

Wish me well and have a Blessed Day!


  1. God bless you for all you do for all of us! I wish you well! Maria

    1. Thanks again for the well wishes. The page is done but linking it isn't going well! I appreciate you always sending kind words. Have a Blessed Day!
