
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Waxy Film On Skin - Losing Hair From the Root - Horsehair Parasite Update 1-20

I haven't been doing much on the parasite through the holidays. I was dealing with the car accident, yard, family, and the methane problem in the house. 

I am so frustrated that things are keeping me from doing thing to figure out the parasite, so I am trying to make it a priority now that the yard and car are both finished. I have the methane problem on hold due to weather issues as well as fixing the brick wall I hit with the car. 

I am pushing to finish the website and committed to a name, buying a domain and also paying for hosting so the longer it isn't finished, it is now costing me money. So, I am hoping to get it finished in the next week or two. 

I have spent a few all night work sessions on it as well as hours during the day. I keep thinking I am really close to finishing it, but it takes SO much time to find the posts to link to about a symptom or to find the right videos to put along side symptoms because so many of my videos talk about many symptoms, so it really is VERY time consuming to find the right pictures, write the text, and then find the best video to show the symptoms clearly. I have 55 videos about the parasite so watching and figuring out which to put up is difficult. 

In working on the website, I realized that I don't have pictures for some of the symptoms as it is really difficult to show "waxy skin" in picture form. I had an idea and made a video of what I think is a way to show the waxy biofilm. I scraped some off me in the shower and placed it aside. I took a picture of it after pulling it out from under my nails. 

Once I got out of the shower, I placed the film on black fabric and rubbed it into the fabric. I wanted to show that there IS something coming off the skin because dead skin won't "Rub in" causing streaking on fabric. Also, I rubbed some of my waxy deodorant at the top of the fabric to compare what it would look like, and it made the pants greasy. You can see a dark oily stain on the fabric. So, you can tell from that, that the biofilm scraped off the skin at the bottom of the picture is not just oily skin or it would also stain the fabric. It is waxy in nature. 

The fact that I am over 50 and have never had this film on me before says something. I also show in the video that my hair is coming out by the roots. Each time I shower, I have less and less hair to ring out. I used to have to use two pony elastics as my hair was so thick and now, I can wrap the one elastic around my pony three times. I have noticed much more parastate activity in my head in the past six months. Eyes, nose, ears, teeth, mouth, etc. Every night for the past month or two I wake up with the parasites popping into my mouth from my left upper gums. It wakes me and happens even during the day sometimes. I am worried about my teeth turning orangy /black like my mothers. 

I also show on the video dry skin, but I think that is mostly from the methane issue I am dealing with as that is a main symptom. I can't know for sure so I included it in the video. 

I hope to finish this all off and then maybe someone will take notice and those who are suffering can make it a place to share things they have tried etc. 

Have a blessed and parasite free day!

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