
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Cleanest Car and Apartment in the Zone - Princess Five in NY

This week we were able to meet with our new friend Daby! She is one of the happiest people I've ever met, she loves the Book of Mormon and has been reading it along with the Book of Mormon videos!

We had Zone Conference this week! Every transfer we have a contest of who had the cleanest apartment and cleanest car and we found out that last transfer sister Bea and I won both! We talked about how to be better teachers, and it was just what I needed!

We had exchanges this week as well, sister Ellis came and stayed with me in New City! In the morning we had service with salvation army and we helped speak Spanish to people to give them food. We visited with Daby, but when we left there was quite a bit of snow. We went to Rockland bakery, and I had some of the best cheese cake I have ever tried, and some yummy rolls and bagels and such. At this point, it was about 6 but the roads were snow packed so we decided to exchange early, but the roads were too bad and we ended up deciding to head home instead to stay exchanged for another night, then we exchanged back the next morning. 
Our friend Aime came to church, and also our friend Dee, who moved here from China!

Yesterday we had dinner at Bishops house. They have four boys under 11, so it was a little crazy, but exciting.

Not a very eventful week, but I always feel blessed to be laboring in the Lord's vineyard!

CuĂ­dense mucho!
Hermana Princess Five

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