
Monday, January 20, 2020

A Bit of Western In My Blood - Grandchildren Photo Shoot

I spent the weekend with my Daughters family, and in turn, that means I got to spent a heavenly few days with my grandchildren~! 

If you know anything about me, you know that I LOVE my family and I take LOTS of photos. I have a few stuffed rocking horses at my house, and have two I want to sell. I took two of them to visit the family and take some photos. I grabbed some cowboy hats, bandanas, some cap guns, and some other photograph props and hauled it all to my daughters so I could take some cute photos and videos. 
True disclosure on this, my two youngest grandchildren are sick with a horrible cold so they didn't feel all that great and I also didn't feel all that great the first day after a long drive on snowy roads and some not so great food that I reacted with.

They kids weren't dressed for the photo shoot, but I figured if I didn't get it when I could, it wouldn't happen. I know my daughter doesn't like me to leave lots of toys at her home, so I have to take boxes of things with me to entertain the kids, so the horses couldn't stay, I need them gone out of my house as well, so it was really now, or never.The kids were tired as it was at night, and they were frustrated at me only having two horses as I couldn't fit a third in the car, so taking turns was rough. We also had some issues as my daughter doesn't like guns, so it became an issue as the three year old couldn't get the concept of not shooting at people, so he kept getting upset if I threatened to take away the gun.

I tried about ten times to get a good video as the youngest was adorable on the little horse, but in every video there was arguing, snapping, tantrums, names, crying, or just so much cap guns, squeals of delight, or screams of joy, that I couldn't use a one without editing the video. Since I still don't know how to edit on my new phone, and I was out of town, you are just going to have to enjoy the pictures as I have no way to upload a usable video. 
Let me just say that the baby was adorable rocking and bouncing himself up and down on the small horse, and the larger horse has cute sound effects like a riding horse. 

One of the horses I have at home actually neighs and his head moves. I am going to keep the two that make noise and have saddles and stirrups on them, and get rid of the two that just rock and are smaller. 
I keep finding cuter and cuter horses for my western room in my home where I hung my dad's black-bear. It is the first place the kids go when they arrive at my house. I love having a fun home for the grandchildren. 

My grand-daughter told me she was going to be the "bad" cowboy for a few minutes and she just acted mean and you can see by her face in the picture, she is a good little actress, you can see it in her eyes. ha ha The kids had fun, but none of them liked the bandana and by the end, they had all taken them off. They liked the hats, and the guns were a favorite. The baby would pick it up, climb on the horse, ride and then throw it through the air off the horse, get off the horse, pick it up and start all over again. It was so cute. 
I have pictures of my grandfather on his horses. I have a post where I show how I made a cute collage out of some of them. I have pictures of my mother on horses as a baby, photos of me on horses, my girls on horses, and now these cute western photos. 

I am truly blessed!

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