
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

111 Post on a Slow Day

I haven't been feeling very well today. I am super tired and feel like I am fighting something off again. I may have picked up something from my grandchildren, or I may just be dealing with methane issues from coming home to my house. I can't know, but just wish I could feel better and not be so tired.  

As I was getting my blog and YouTube info for my journal tonight, and laughed when my YouTube income was $111 and then I checked my blog and my top viewed blog post today was 111 views. I think God is telling me it is going to be "OK" as I am so tired and wondering how things will get any better. It is hard feeling so tired and horrible so much of the time, but then there are these little blessings reminding me that things will be alright. 

I think I am fighting some illness as my throat is sore. I hope I can feel better and get back to things I need to get done. 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Hi Tejae. Hope you will be feeling much better soon... I know how you feel. I have been feeling bad since I came back home from my dad and Stepmom's on New year's day. I also feel really rough when it's dark cold weather...especially if it's damp and rainy. I added cat's claw to my herbs. Will try to keep you posted. Feeling rough right now. God bless. Maria

    1. Hi Maria, So sorry that you are feeling bad. I understand. Let us know how the cats claw works. I'll pray for you. Have a Blessed day!

  2. Tejae thank you so much for praying for me. This has affected me in such a way in the last year that I don't connect with God the way I used to. I am getting better in that but I don't expect him to answer prayers any more so can't make myself pray because of that either. I'm upset with God...why would He allow something to happen to me to where I have difficulty connecting with Him. I'm just sharing my heart about it. I finally saw a person who uses minerals, herbs etc and found out he is also certified in pastoral healing...or something like that... so am hoping for healing there also. Still doing the same meds and protocols also. I guess Great Plains is a good resource for mold and parasite testing that's not too expensive, and may not require an MD. I would like to get some testing there. Will continue to keep you posted, Lord willing. I'm very sad because I've been away from my sister's, children and grandchildren for 9 months now and I'm alone and too sick to leave here or even visit family. I haven't spent the winter in the cold, rainy northwest for 9 years so not used to this. Thanks for listening. Just a blue day. Maria

    1. I can understand your feelings and can just share that as a parent, sometimes I see my children suffering with health or situations that make me sad but I can't remove the situation as it is a learning experience or growth opportunity for them as much as it is hard to watch, their body gets new immunity to illness with each sickness etc. God is a loving Father who allows us to grow through trials. I hope you can find peace through prayer and know that life is for learning and not always easy.

      Keep trying things. I'll keep trying things and hopefully we can figure it out. Have a blessed day!
