
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Light the World Christmas Note From Princess Five in NJ


Monday we had 2 people show up for English class, and so we just played the game where everyone adds a sentence to make a story, it was super funny.

Tuesday we had our HALF MISSION CONFERENCE! With Elder Haynie of the seventy, it was super good! I was able to see all of my passed companions except for my trainer, so that was insane! My favorite thing we talked about was about Peter and how even though he was weak, he was called to do a great work. And in Luke 5:11 it says,
" And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him."

They left everything they had to follow Christ, and we should strive to do the same.

That night we had a devotional with Elder Haynie in our chapel, but none of our friends came😔 it was super good. I realized that the Book of Mormon talks so much more about the birth of Christ than the old testament does, we have so much knowledge, we sometimes forget how blessed we are.

On Wednesday we went to Ellis Island again, we have been going a lot recently.

On Thursday we taught our new friend Jannicce, and we were able to explain to her why we don't baptize infants. She understood the principle really well! We invited her and her family to the branch Christmas party and they came and they really enjoyed it!

Friday was a day full of finding, and not much happened. But while we were knocking, we knocked a house that seemed pretty empty and then all the sudden we hear, "it's too late, they already saw me", before we had even seen or heard him, but then the kid snuck back into his kitchen.😂

Saturday was the ward Christmas party, we spent most of the day confirming that people had rides, and were coming. The party was super fun all the primary performed the nativity, it was funny, and way cute.

Yesterday the English ward gave us these huge packages! They were filled with treats and they also gave us hand made mittens! They are super cute! We were also able to watch "the Christ child" with a part member family. They really enjoyed it.
And if you have not seen it yet you should! It's on

as well as the gospel library app.

Ese es todo,
Hermana Princess Five

My beautiful companions!(yes sister Staff is completely on her tip toes)

Zone 6!

Ellis Island🗽

Christmas Party🎄

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