
Thursday, December 19, 2019

It's Time For an Update on the Parasites - Major Joint Pain

I haven't made an update on the parasites in quite some time. I don't have much to share other than the pain in my hips is horrible. I have been having a large parasite moving around in my hip and pelvis area and it has caused me considerate pain in the hips. 

I had been feeling a bit better but think I must have eaten something that killed off some parasites as I feel like I have thousands moving in the lymphatic All my limbs and body in general have tingling feelings all over most of the time now. It feels like when your arms fall asleep and are just waking up and the nerves start tingling. 

I can't seem to get control of the larger parasite in my pelvis and it is so hard to get sleep when it is moving in the hip joint area. If I don't get enough sleep, it hurts more during the day. There are some times I can't sit, stand, or sleep due to the aches in the hip. If I can force it out of one side of the hip, it moves to the other hip or burrows around the pelvis area. 

I have pain and movement causing cramping, bloating, air bubble in the bladder and aching through the abdomen. It is difficult to give out such personal information but I do have women writing me experiencing movement in personal areas and asking if I have those experiences and I have been open and shared all the information about this parasite so feel that my own embarrassment takes a seat behind documenting all the symptoms no matter the personal discomfort to myself. 

Today, I tried a new method of getting the biofilm off my skin and used hydrogen peroxide on a paper towel and wiped the skin down. I let it dry for a second and then put alcohol on a paper towel and then wiped the same skin down and the biofilm rolled off. I then used another towel with peroxide on it and then rinsed it with water. 

It felt very clean, and I was excited about it, but then all the little parasites in that area started burrowing out of that area and then I had a hard time breathing as they went in my lungs. I then put on some rosemary oil which helped for about an hour, but when the oils wear off, the parasite start burrowing back. 

I wish I had better news to share of those of you suffering. I have ordered a few new products to try but they are on back order. I will update once I try them. 

Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. Tejae as I've shared before, I have all the same symptoms, and presently have the same movement in the abdomen and hip. I've now had three top Lyme's doctors diagnose me with Lyme's and babesia. This makes a person susceptible to other parasites. I am currently on malaron, azithromycin and doxycycline..along with NAC to break down biofilm. I think after watching a video that this large movement I have is massive ropes of biofilm with the resistor Lyme bacteria in it. ImI supposed to start on disulfiram (antabuse) soon .it is the new hope for this disease. You can go to the FB group Disulfiram for Lyme's for more information..and Chico Lyme Community is an active support group that has helped me to get started. The standard Lyme test is almost said i was negative. You need to be tested by igenix...which takes Medicare..or Armin labs in Germany...who is very affordable.. doesn't require a Dr..and will help you determine which test and perhaps find treatment. I've met them and they are reputable. Hope this helps and that we both get well. It loves the acid in coke and coffee..and I thrive on coffee. Doesn't like sulphur nor lemon in hot tea . Maria

    1. Hi Maria, I am so glad you were finally diagnosed. I have so many people share their diagnosis with me and say they think I have this or that parasite but I KNOW that I have the parasite I was diagnosed with. I have Large worms. Not just long films, actual worms. I also have EVERY symptoms of hook and thread worms which are not similar to Lyme. I may have lyme, but I HAVE this other parasite and know that it does what it says it does and that it has a life cycle similar to hook and thread worms. I believe that at some point they will be able to figure out that this parasite exists and prove it has that same life cycle.

      Please keep us informed how those medications work for you as I wonder if you have this parasite along with those other parasites.

      It would be good if you could find some worms to send in and get diagnosed as both of those worms are SMALL worms. Perhaps you have other worms as well. I hope for you that it is as they say and that you can be cured with the medication they are treating you with.

      Thank you so much for always sharing what you find with us and lets hope we both can find a cure and peace. Hugs! Have a blessed Day!

  2. I had this parasite two years ago. I finally got rid of the infestation after taking wormwood and black walnut capsules.. gone in 3 months!!

  3. Hi Tejae. I'm now doing the Morgellans Science protocol along with the abx I mentioned earlier. My hair moves, as does thousands of people on their FB site. It's also used for mold toxicity, which the Dr says i probably have, but doesn't treat. It's seemingly very powerful against all this, especially in combination with the ABX...and particularly with the doxycycline. The main ingredient is a parasite med... but it's an easy affordable protocol...and says all the same things you've been saying about iodine. I'll try to keep you posted. I know I have the parasites.. same as you. I think the Lyme caused me to get the parasites.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing what is going on for you and what you are trying. I am interested to hear how that protocol works for you. Have a Blessed Day!
