
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Huge Diamond Ring At Least a Karat Found in Grab Bag for $15 - Part 2

I shared in yesterdays post that I found a ring in a grab bag and thought it may be real. I used my diamond tester on it and it said it was real.

I wanted to go to the jewelry store in town and just make sure it was real, but I also did some research online on the ring. The first thing I was able to find was the clasp. The clasp is a product called "Finger fit" which is a brilliant idea. Someone invented a clasp that allows you to open the base of the ring on hinges, it can then open wider to allow the ring to expand to get over large knuckles or arthritic fingers. Once it is over the knuckle, you can then close the hinges on the ring and shut the clasp closing the ring to fit the smaller part of the finger! 

It is brilliant, and you can purchase the product online four about $500 and then you have to get it installed, so my guess is it is at least $100 or more to get it placed on your ring. I will share a picture of the item and you can find the webpage at the same name online if you are interested in getting it for your ring. I have to share that my diamond always would twirl around and hang upside down because my knuckles are larger than my fingers. This product keeps those diamonds facing up so you don't have the spinning and twirling ring with the heavy diamond always at the bottom due to gravity and small fingers.

I took the diamond to the local jewelry store the next day and they verified it was a real diamond at least a Karat in size and it could be over that but they can't know unless you take it out and weight it. 

I then took it to the pawn shop hoping he could tell me a little more about the diamond and value as the jewelry store wouldn't give me an appraisal on it without payment and more time in looking at the diamond. He asked me what I was looking to get out of it hoping I wouldn't know of its value, but offered me $500 to $600 for it. I kinda laughed and he said, "You will do better to sell it yourself" and then threw out the figure of $10,000 or more. 

In my looking online, I found most 1 Karat diamonds were between $10,000 and $12,000 but don't have that cool hinge which adds at least $500 and, it may be more than 1 Karat, but then again, it is used, so it loses some value. 

I had remembered that one of the store managers where I bought the grab bag that had the ring in it told me awhile back that someone had come in saying they had donated a ring by mistake. Knowing I would want someone to return it if I accidently donated it, I went back to the store asking if they had the name and number of the person and they said they don't keep those type of things but after speaking with all the different managers, I guess that none of them actually spoke to the person, it was just workers in the store and it was last June. They don't hold onto their jewelry for that length of time so there is no way that this diamond could be from that person. 

Also, I found four 14 Karat Gold chains in that same grab bag for $15 and also some silver. It is FOR SURE the BEST grab bag of my life! 

I have a friend that her engagement diamond was stolen by some friends of her former spouse and it was also flawed which he KNEW before he gave it to her, and he had his mother pick out the ring setting. She found that she got what he advertised. Their marriage was flawed, he didn't value her putting her first and giving her something new and perfect and he put his mother first. Oddly enough, when he got married to his next wife, he gave her the ring playing scrabble by putting a fake ring in the game tile bag, when she pulled it out, he said, "It isn't what you think, I will get you a real one if you say "yes" and will you be my husband, I mean wife?" 

My friend felt that truly, when a man gives his intended a diamond, he is telling her what he thinks of her and what she can expect. The man was playing "games" didn't invest in a real ring not wanting to put any money out unless he was guaranteed a "yes" showing he valued money more than her. And, he asked her to be his husband, showing he wanted someone to take care of him and do the chores and things a man SHOULD take care of in a marriage. My friend said that was exactly what her marriage was like and recently heard he was divorced from his second wife. 

I always have joked with my children that if I remarry, I want a huge perfect ring. (I actually say I want a BIG A** ring which has become a family joke.)

My father said to my mother when he asked her to marry him, "I could have gotten you a bigger ring than this 3/4 karat ring, but I wanted something pure and perfect like you!" So he got her the purest and brightest ring he could find! 

In the end, it really isn't about the size, but I do believe it is about what it tells you about the man. I laughed as my Father in Heaven always gets me what I would like. I now have a huge beautiful, perfect diamond in a beautiful setting that I would actually choose! HE knew what I would like and showed me the HE thinks I am worth it. The day I bought the jewelry bag I actually was dropping off a bag of donations just before closing and saw two bags of jewelry on my way out. I didn't see the ring in the bag until I was pulling things out on camera. It was such a surprise and blessing. 

I share about several blessings on the video in this post and am constantly amazed at how God takes such good care of me, better than I could ever expect. I am truly BLESSED! 

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