
Monday, December 23, 2019

Doing Our Favorite Christmas Tradition - Singing and Passing Out Candycanes

My girls came home for the holiday a bit early so they could help me with a few projects I wanted to work on this week. 

For many years, we have gone to the local hospital, care center, and rehabilitation centers and sung to the patients. We sing their favorite Christmas Carol or their favorite hymn (Easter). We also give out a gift or treat. I took stuffed animals, keychains and candy canes with us and shared with the patients and the workers at those places. 

Princess Four says this is her favorite tradition that we do. Some years we can't get out if people are sick or we have the kids, but most years, at least some of us get out to share. We had some cute comments and one man sang along at the top of his lungs with his arms moving like he was leading a choir. Some sang along, others listened and some shed a tear. It is how it goes most years but for us, it is just part of our Christmas Holiday and other holiday events! Caroling is something we enjoy as we have been blessed with good voices thanks to many talented ancestors! It's in the genes. ;-) 

Here are a few links to some of our posts from other years! I usually forget to take a picture and only remembered on our way out of the last place tonight. I should have got us singing. We sounded fairly good by the last place having warmed up on the first two places. ha ha. 
Here is 2011 for Easter.
Here is me posting about it in 2010.
Have a Blessed day full of Carols!

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