
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

We Are Not Your Uber - Princess Five in NJ

We received a Facebook referral from the sisters in a neighboring area, and found a new friend named Julio! He came to a baptism we had in the branch!

We were parked outside of a library waiting to go into an appointment, and a lady tapped on our window because she thought we were her uber. She was super embarrassed 😂
We met with our friends Jany and Alfredo twice this week, they work so hard they don't have time to do much, but we are always welcome into their home!

We sang in sacrament meeting this week and it was super fun, I miss singing we sang silent night, Hermana Brads was super good to sing with me even though she didn't really want to.
Josie, our recent convert, came to church for the first time in about a year! It was so good to have her we were so surprised, and we hope to continue to see her come!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Feliz Navidad!
Hermana Princess Five 

Us wrapping Jesus Pictures for our friends.
Jany and Alfredo made us some Peruvian food.

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